【同义词辨析】 2019-01-28 地点place-site
place: the most general of these terms, carries the implication of having dimensions in space, although the dimensions may be large or small and the limits may not be clearly defined: the ~ where I was born.
position: can be used in relation to abstract as well as concrete things and usually implies place in relation to something in particular: an instrument used to indicate the ~ of the aircraft. (抽象abstract,本例指级别地位道德立场等无形事物的"位置",反义词有形concrete, 如abstract principles such as justice正义等抽象原则) (in relation to和...有关,如he was arrested in relation to a coup plot他因牵扯一起政变图谋被捕,又如the fine was minimal in relation to his salary罚金和他的工资比起来微不足道,又如本例中"place in relation to something in particular相对于某个具体事物而言的位置") 相对位置: 如向东25米是相对位置用position,定位系统给的是相对位置所以叫GPS,东经北纬是绝对位置用下词location
location: is used in relation to concrete things and implies a fixed but not necessarily a clearly definite place: knows the ~ of every historical building in town. but not necessarily...但无论是否明确具体地指出位置,如本例就没有说建筑物具体在哪
situation: adds to location a more specific note about the character of the surroundings: liked the ~ of the house halfway up the hill. 用此词时往往同时描述周边环境,如本例中的半山腰
site: close to situation, carries a clearer reference to the land on which something, such as a building, a group of buildings, or a town, is built: built the new factory on the ~ of the old one.
spot: implies a restricted, particular place, clearly defined in extent: called back that she had found the perfect ~ for the picnic.
station: suggests the place where a person or thing stands or is set to stand and connotes the accompanying responsibility, as in performance of duty or participation: waiters standing expectantly at their ~s.
place地方: 通用词,表示占据的物理空间,尺寸或大或小,范围不明确,position位置: 既可以指有形事物的位置,也可以指抽象事物的位置,常表示相对某人或物而言的位置,即相对位置, location位置: 表示有形事物的固定位置,无论是否明确具体,situation位置: 比location更突出周围环境如例句,site地点: 更多指建筑土地,spot地点: 泛指范围小具体明确的地方,station站点: 指人或物站立的地方(如服务员的位置,地铁公交车站)
记忆方法: 1) 首字母PPLSSSS是2P1L4S,pls是place音标,214想成是房间号<==地点
2) 地点的意思是某物占据的空间mean the point or portion of space occupied by or chosen for a thing.首字母PPLSSSS是2P1L4S,pls是place音标,214想成是房间号<==地点